We need 6-8 kw as in ID-3 to get any meaningful effect
Beiträge von Mizuno
Also check the camera behind the windshield. i had problems on previous mazda cars with fog coming into the camera house
Mein Auto verbraucht 3%
MX 30 is a converted CX-30 and is sold in Japan with 2 L ICE and 4-wheel drive and I think the whole design is made to be able to handle all needs for air and space
I do not get a message but can see on the latest update in the status column that it was "on".
The temperature is still near the blue area so it was only maintenance heat for the health of the battery.
På grund av de kaotiska väderförhållandena har min MX 30 varit under carporten sedan fredag. Sedan dess har SoC sjunkit från 71% till 68% ... batteriuppvärmningen har antagligen slagits på de senaste nätterna vid -12 grader, eller vad tycker du?
I consume 3% every night and I see in the app that the battery heater was on in the middle of the night or early in the morning
Det låter som att luftkonditioneringskompressorn arbetar på full effekt! Men varför fungerar det vid den temperaturen?!
Något är fel?
I'll send a video to Mazda service and see what they think.
Here is short video from my car. it was -5 degrees and video is taken after 15 km of driving
Link to youtube video
Sometimes heat pump or AC make terrible noise and you can fell vibration on steering wheel. If I turn off climate control everything goes to normal.
This is my trip from yesterday. Started the trip with 85% battery at -7 degrees and drove 108 km to 3%. 75km motorway at 110 kmh, the rest smaller roads 70-80 kmh. Drove a little yo-yo style to get heat in the battery. Battery temperature you see in the picture.
First 30 minutes 30kwh, average 25kwh from 3% to 81% in one hour.
The next charge was the temperature indicator at 3am and I went from 12% to 76% in ~ 40 minutes (forgot how many kw).
With good heat in the battery, you can get a fairly good speed in charging.